Sunday, November 21, 2010

My dad is an alcoholic, how am I supposed to deal with it?

My dad was a alcoholic. I started dumping out his booze. When he hid it I started taking pictures of him when he was drunk and leaving them for him when he was sober.

He didn't stop completely but he learned to be more responsible. I don't know if it would have eventually worked because he became too sick to drink.My dad is an alcoholic, how am I supposed to deal with it?
Go to an AL-ANON meeting. I think that's what it's called. It's for children/family of of alcoholics.

Here: dad is an alcoholic, how am I supposed to deal with it?
you just do. As long as he's not hurting you, accept him for all his problems, and try and help anyway you can
Tell the family to get an intervention on him, or do an intervention on him yourself. You only have one Dad Alcoholism will kill him if he doesn't get help. I hope for the best of you because my father Died when I was 11. I wasn't old enough to relise that my Dad had a problem. Get your Dad some help before its too late. It changes the family forevor when you lose a parent. I have yet to forgive him.鈥?/a>
Go to Ala-non, or Ala-teen. [depending] . You need support as much as he needs AA [or something] I went thru it too. Both parents died from drink. It wasn't pretty. Get help.
Alateen if you are a teenager, or Alanon if adult.
I'm sorry to say your just gonna have to go with the flow for the time being until u can move out there is nothing you can do until your dad is willing I'm sorry to say x
It is very difficult but you have to seek professional help for him. Try AAA or whatever org in your country. Either that or try to live with it like I did. It should make you stronger and determine not to be like him..
You don't give many details but Ill say this . If your dad is abusive when hes drunk that is one thing . Now if he is just and alcholic and just embarasses you I say ride it out till your old enough then move out and give him ultimatum . Tell him hes going to have to get help or relationship is over !
Im so sorry. Thats really hard. I have an alcoholic uncle and he just pisses me off. If your dad is drunk, go to a friends or neighbors house. someone that you trust. Discuss before hand about coming over when your dad is drinking, so they know. Thats what I do.
In your own way.

It's a sad situation, but a reality. Without knowing the details, it's somewhat hard to make any real suggestions. But even those are limited (let's be real here, most families aren't going to seek professional help). I wish they would, but they don't.

Stay strong and above all, learn from this experience.
tell him that you and your futrue children will miss him that you wish he could have been around longer and now what are you supposed to tell his grandchildren about grandpa
If he's mean when he's drunk, don't talk to him.

But all I can say is : don't do what he does, and try to stay away from him (when he's drunk) or try talking to him.
Well my answer starts with one of empathy.

You see my dad was an alcoholic and he died of alcohol related medical issues when he was 49 and I was 18. I still have mental health issues that relate to being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACA)I don't mean to scare you.

First, see if there are any ACA groups in your area.

Second, if not, and your dad has admitted his problem to the family, see if you and your dad can attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting together.

Lastly, the first thing you will learn in ACA and AA meetings is that

You must accept the things you cannot change

You must actively change the things you can

You must have the wisdom to know the difference between the two of them.

You cannot change your father. If he wants to kill himself with booze that is his choice and not yours.

But you can change yourself.

Accept his alcoholism. It is an illness and he still loves you.

Beyond that, the rest is up to you.

Good luck.
I know that in most if not all towns and cities, there are meetings for Family of Alcoholics. I think if you go to your local community center or library there are usually flyers about the meetings.

If that doesn't fan out, try going to

Or you could find a Family of Alcoholics chat group online. That's what I did since I didn't want everyone in my town knowing my mom was an alcoholic.

After you find a group, either in real life or in cyber space, talk to your mom or an aunt or uncle to see if they could form an intervention for your dad.

I really hope your dad gets better, I know my life got so much better when my mom started getting help.
dealing with an alcholic is a really hard job. the best thing to do is stay clear of him when hes drinking. i know sometimes they are nicer when they are drinking and mean when there not. try to talk to him about what it is doing to himself and to you. i had a dad who drank. i got involed in some allateen groups they seem to help me cope with it a little better. just rember your not alone talking sometimes is a really big help
my dad was one for most of my life.. its kinda always on the back of my mind. but i discovered the secret, get away from the situation. become a hippy. ( without the drugs ) stay positive. i know its hard to do. i know everything your going through right now. and it sucks. but move on, remove yourself. and love life!

my mom is an alcoholic...i found that it helped to lean on to them when you are having a bad day because of him...join sports, it helps to get your mind off of things...if only for a minute (it feels good not to have to worry,be scared, or just be sad)... Talk to a school councelor...they are there to help...and most of all talk to your dad and let him know how he is affecting your life,school,friends,etc. It may not seem like it will help...But then again it may open his eyes and it may help HIM more than you would ever know.

Hope that this helps you ;-)

Jett B

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