Sunday, November 21, 2010

If I wrote a book about personal drug/ alcohol addiction, would you read it?

The grammar and spelling may be terrible (i apologize).

I have been thinking about this for some time now. I am now 27 and over the last 7 years have experienced way too much drug and alcohol incidents. I'm trying real hard to hit the key points of why I think the last 7 years of my life would interest anyone enough to read. From grade school until I graduated high school, I remained the most straight edge kid you ever met. I Even graduated high school being on National Honor's society and was near the top of the class. I was an athlete and came from a middle class family, but the whole time I was dealing with an alcoholic father on the weekends. He was a good father most of the time, but did not handle drinking so well. For that reason, I did not have a drink until I was almost 21, but did start doing drugs at age 20. I have been arrested 7 times for alcohol related incidents and yet I have held down a very respected professional job for three years now after graduating college with a 3.2. I have friends that are millionaires and friends that have literally lived on the street. I have a daughter that was born when I was 25. I have dwelt with addiction problems since I can remember. Starting early with being addicted to being perfect in everything I did, which then turned into playing basketball, and then right before drugs, I was addicted to sex. To try and quit one addiction I just start doing another more often. Every time I quit doing drugs, I start drinking more or becoming addicted to sex again. I discovered online poker which became my worst addiction of all. To this day I am paying back over 6000 in credit cards used to play online poker during college. I am in the process of going through my 2nd DUI which may result in the losing of my job. I have dwelt with being put in a psych ward twice and have been given the diagnosis of Manic Depressant (Bi Polar) and having generalized anxiety since I was 18. I fight off abusing drugs for months at a time only to end up going back or becoming a worst alcoholic again.

I am looking for a way to make everything bad and dumb I have done be helpful and meaningful some way.I think that maybe If I wrote a book telling my life story so far, that it might be able to help some people. I have experienced a lot of life in a few short years that people who are lucky only have to watch in movies. Also, because of my profession, it is ridiculous that I am the person that I am. I know its wrong and I feel bad, yet I still do dumb things. I was the youngest person to ever be voted ';employee of the month '; at my job. Yet, I've had to deal with all the guilt of the bad things I keep doing. My book would focus on having three goals: to entertain, to educate,and to help: either those people about the make the same mistakes I did, or to help their families to understand the mind set of someone with an addictive personality.

The book would include sex, drugs, over coming them, and how to deal with them, . I am not sure if there are many books out there like this. I know a lot of people have lived WAY worst lives, but most of the ones that I know, never finished college, are behind bars, are have passed away.

I have managed to get a good job, do it well, yet I still deal with the addiction issues and am still figuring out how to stop.

Thanks for your time and I am fine with criticisms, but the real question I am asking is if you think this is a book worth writing to be read. I am also going to be pursuing a career as a speaker to younger children and teens about my life and ideas to stay clean.If I wrote a book about personal drug/ alcohol addiction, would you read it?
From what you say I think your book would help many people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Follow your dreams and write the book. I wish you lots of luck.If I wrote a book about personal drug/ alcohol addiction, would you read it?
I'm an addict myself, and addict to addict, is there really any book you could have read that would have stopped you from pursuing your addiction?

I think the most helpful/successful books are of people who were down and how they found peace.

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