I tell him how it makes me feel, and he told me that he doesn't care. My mom just tells me to suck it up. She's never here to see it anyway. Both of my brothers are never home either. They say I need an attitude ajustment, but all I want is to have a conversation with my dad. He just won't listen. No matter how hard I cry. I'm seriously contemplating killing myself because it's so out of hand. I have nothing to do with my life either, so it makes it hard to just hide in my room all day. I'm too afraid to go near him thinking that it may eventually get physical...How do I deal with my dad being an alcoholic?
Sweetie, please don't give up. My heart really goes out to you. It doesn't sound like your mom or brothers are any support, which is their failure, not yours. You've done nothing wrong, and are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. You seem to be the only one in your family with any sense.
Not knowing how old you are, I'm wondering if you have any Aunts or Uncles that you could call. If so, explain to them that you've tried to communicate with your family about this, and that none of them are interested in helping to turn the situation around. Explain to them that you can't live in those conditions any longer. Would it be possible for you to move in with another relative, or a family of a good friend? If you're religious, you could also go talk to someone at church. I wish you all the best.How do I deal with my dad being an alcoholic?
Share a case of beer with him, and you'll have plenty of conversations with him. It beats killing yourself.
mom was a drunk who wuld run in my room and told me to get out she had to take a piss
dad is a stoner/smoker/alcoholic
im 12...they dont stop, my mom did...but nope
omgggg!!!!! ik exactly how u feel. Okayy. Its not an easy thing to deal with i hate it so much! dont kill urself plzz . i have came so close to i have actually tried with many failed attempts. but its taking the easy way out u jus have to keep trying and trying to talk to him. get outside help from a counsler or other family. make him relize how hes affecting u
That's exactly what I am going through right now! Exept my mother passed away when I was 9. But now I'm 14. Wat you should do if you have already talked to your mother. Talk to your brothers. I told my brothers what was going on and they told me that they went through it too. They gave me tons of support and made me feel a heck of a lot better. Try talking to an aunt, or an uncle, or maybe even your grandparents? If you don't have family to talk to try friends. Try to tell your friends or their parents how you feel, maybe they can talk to your dad or mom and help you out. Yo could also talk to your school counceler (sp?) But it's summer so if you can't do that, call the police ONLY if you are in danger. If you need someone to talk to with experience, e-mail me. greengoblin500@yahoo.com . We can help each other out. I'll be praying for you.
you can lead a horse to water yet you can not make it drink and for aclkys you cant stop them they have to stop themselves .What you can do is control your self see what is going on and remember when you get older not to do the same i watched my father drink himself into oblivion night after night for like 20 years it was horrible
he finall quit when i was like 27 years old i know long time eh it is hard and it sometimes gets much worse .You can only control you so thats who you work on not your dad and dont share a case with him tracy get a grip !!!!killing yourself is not an option at aLL you already know that one is not a good idea at all be true to you and go to alanon or aa which ever you can find look up facts on the net for dealing with drunken morons and choose the best for u love you lots you will be ok and life must go on live it to the best of your sbility and have a load of fun dont sweat or worry about what you cannot change
hey i had the same question and you told me to look at you question. don't kill your self over your dads mistakes. Even though times are rough they will get better. I've thought about killing my self alot but then there are days im glad a didnt kill my self. I have a bestfriend who helps me alot. look for suportive people they will always help you.
I'm sorry, but so many of us have alcoholic parents. Killing yourself is a bit extreme, don't you think? Especially seeing as you wont live there your entire life. Think about it. That would be letting them win if you let them get to you.
Honey, there is nothing you can do. I'm so sorry for you, and i understand your pain COMPLETELY, but you just have to get good headphones when they get on rants and rages and lock your door. Get the **** outta there when you can. You can call AA or Intervention, but I doubt you will. I know because I never did that myself. You can get emancipated, but maybe you are too young or maybe you love them too much. And the part about no one else caring about your opinion, well just do like you did here and get it off your chest by talking to others. Be positive, stay away from home as late as possible, and deal with it for now.
EDIT: I do like someone's idea to call outside relatives and tell them. Maybe they could help you out? But, at the same time, think about how your dad will react when he finds out you went behind his back and told someone else. I don't know how ugly it is with you, but I never did that. It caused too much problems.
Sorry for your pain. If you ever wanna talk, just email me at lanarosalte@yahoo.com. I'd love to chat, maybe help you cope? Like i said, i've been there. And you don't have to be alone.
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