You can call this number any time day or night for help....
Girls and Boys Town National Hotline
Call With any Problem, Anytime
Open 24 hours a day, everydayHELP me if you care! please!?
pray sweetie gods love and help is what you need
you can go to the Alanon and Alateen websites. they may also have chatrooms.
you can also attend meetings in your community. you can check on those sites for meetings all around the country, hon.
where is your mother? do you have any other relatives or adult friends you trust and who might listen to your issues? sometimes it helps to have someone to lean on, and for advice.
IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT... please get help. start with Alanon... and find someone to talk with! please.
Mine finally left, but this is what I did until then. Know that he's treating you badly because he's feeling bad and he wants to drag you down too. Don't let him win, OK. When you get sucked into the pain, you are enabling the behavior and you'll end up getting comfortable with it. It's not normal and you should do whatever, I mean whatever, it takes to convince yourself that his behavior isn't normal. Do you pray? Start.
I'm the child of an alchoholic. I married one too. Yes, pretty stupid, huh? If I knew what I just told you when I was young, I'd like to think I would have picked a different life for myself and my kids.
Make yourself proud. Make yourself the priority. He's making himself and his booze his top priority, so seriously, be strong and look to the future with wings spread wide.
I'll be praying for you. Good luck.
call 1-800-4ACHILD
it all depens honey, on how old you are first and what your living conditions are, like is you mother around. let me know and i will try to help you.
miss myra
Honey I麓m soooooooo sorry. First,are you physically safe? If not-leave and go some where close and safe.Prayer is awsome and I agree with the other answers so far,if you have another family memeber you TRUST that can come get you-then go-and when 篓篓DAD篓is sober enough to talk.....perhaps you can explain to him that you love him......blah blah......but you NEED HIM to go to counsiling,AA-something,youll go with him for support--------but YOU-young lady-can not and do not deserve to live this way,is what I think you should say to him---------how old are you? And if you live in AZ: it is a child protection state---------perhaps your school counsellor could be of help.............good luck..........and do pray.
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