Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beck: How reliable are the ramblings of an alcoholic?

Someone who cannot deal with life and needs to be drunk all the time is not someone that I consider as being balanced mentally or emotionally. Yet, some people seem to feel that Beck (a self-acknowledged alcoholic) is some how operating with all his senses.

I'm not going to trust my future, finances, health care, etc. to the ramblings of someone who cannot manage his own life and drinking.Beck: How reliable are the ramblings of an alcoholic?
geez,I did not know Glen was running for is still a free country,check it out.....Beck: How reliable are the ramblings of an alcoholic?
How reliable are the Presidential decisions of a coke head?

';Obama had written in his first book, ';Dreams From My Father'; (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine (';maybe a little blow';).';

I agree... An alcoholic shock jock should not be making any decisions for anyone.
Ask Glen Beck.
It sounds like you listen to him all the time---hmmm, does that make you an idiot? I certainly don't listen to anyone I don't admire---I'm just askin--
These drunkards are the VERY people you American-Idol, news media worshiping Americans have let take TOTAL and complete control over your lives. It doesn't matter to you or the rest that alcoholics are attempting to rule EVERY facet of your life, just as long you people get to keep your 9-5 slave job and are still alive so that you people can watch more American Idol.

Beck is pretty much just as much of a shill than the opposition leader Alex Jones. Both of them have rabid followers that would easily die for them without a second thought. Both of them claim to be opposed to the moguls agenda. And both of them are extremely wealthy men who want more money and power. On a side note, check and see how many advertisements are on that site, maybe you will see what I mean.

Until the television starts having some constructive shows on it, I would really advise not watching it. And I really would advise to not follow the advice of the talking heads on the television either.

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